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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

Quotes About Social Media

Kumpulan quote bertema social media yang saya kumpulkan dari, semoga bermanfaat khususnya bagi saya pribadi ^^

“There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'.”
― Philip K. Dick

“Distracted from distraction by distraction”
― T.S. Eliot

“You are what you share.”
― Charles Leadbeater, We Think: The Power Of Mass Creativity

“Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively.”
― Sharon Salzberg, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation

“There are many things of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Social media has infected the world with a sickening virus called vanity.”
― Kellie Elmore

“We are continuously challenged to discover new works of culture—and, in the process, we don’t allow any one of them to assume a weight in our minds.”
― Alain de Botton

“Social media allows us to behave in ways that we are hardwired for in the first place - as humans. We can get frank recommendations from other humans instead of from faceless companies.”
― Francois Gossieaux, The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media

"It amazes me that we are all on Twitter and Facebook. By 'we' I mean adults. We're adults, right? But emotionally we're a culture of seven-year-olds. Have you ever had that moment when are you updating your status and you realize that every status update is just a variation on a single request: 'Would someone please acknowledge me?'"
― Marc Maron, Attempting Normal

“Can you imagine doing ministry the last five hundred years and getting away with ‘Sorry, I don’t do books’? Can you imagine doing ministry in the next five years and getting away with ‘Sorry, I don’t do Facebook’?”
― Leonard Sweet, Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival

“Now I existed solely thanks to the quantum paradox, my brain a collection of qubits in quantum superposition, encoding truths and memories, imagination and irrationality in opposing, contradictory states that existed and didn't exist, all at the same time.”
― Robin Wasserman, Crashed

“...rather than assuming that education is primarily about preparing for jobs and careers, what would it mean to think of education as a process of guiding kids' participation in public life more generally, a public life that includes social, recreational, and civic engagement.”
― Mizuko Ito, Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project

“Social media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratization of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change.”
― Brian Solis, Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web

“Twitter," said Manny, waving his hand. "You know what that is? Termites with microphones.”
― Meg Wolitzer, The Interestings

“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?”
― Seth Godin, Guerrilla Marketing for Home-Based Businesses

“Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it.”
― Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations

“By bringing together people who share interests, no matter their location or time zone, social media has the potential to transform the workplace into an environment where learning is as natural as it is powerful.”
― Marcia Conner, The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media

“Social media is the empowerment of the individual at the expense of the system.”
― David Amerland, The Social Media Mind: How social media how social media is changing business, politics and science and helps create a new world order.

“The more passionate and argumentative I get the more followers and friends I make online.”
― Tasha Turner

“À medida que a mídia convencional tradicional é substituída por uma imprensa personalizada, a internet torna-se um espelho de nós mesmos. Em vez de usá-la para buscar notícias, informação ou cultura, nós a usamos para SERMOS de fato a notícia, a informação e a cultura.”
― Andrew Keen

“Over the past 60 years, marketing has moved from being product-centric (Marketing 1.0) to being consumer-centric (Marketing 2.0). Today we see marketing as transforming once again in response to the new dynamics in the environment. We see companies expanding their focus from products to consumers to humankind issues. Marketing 3.0 is the stage when companies shift from consumer-centricity to human-centricity and where profitability is balanced with corporate responsibility.”
― Phillip Kotler

“Technology proposes itself as the architect of our intimacies.”
― Sherry Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

“Bersocial medialah sewajar nya, karena segala sesuatu yang terlalu terbuka kadang juga tidak baik.”
― rasarab

“Affiliate Marketing Has Made Businesses Millions And Ordinary People Millionaires.
Affiliate Marketing Mybe Your Next Best Career Move.”
― Larry Bussey

“Podemos canalizar a revolução da web 2.0 de maneira construtiva, de modo que ela enriqueça ao invés de matar nossa economia, cultura e valores”
― Andrew Keen

“Social tools leave a digital audit trail, documenting our learning journey—often an unfolding story—and leaving a path for others to follow.”
― Marcia Conner, The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media

“The web and its technologies are digital representations of everything we did before in a more private, bigger, faster and more empowering format than ever before.”
― David Amerland, The Social Media Mind: How social media how social media is changing business, politics and science and helps create a new world order.

“Active participation on LinkedIn is the best way to say, 'Look at me!' without saying 'Look at me!”
― Bobby Darnell

“Fools live life; intellectuals only think thoughts arising from borrowed knowledge. That is why fools enjoy life while so called wise people are busy posting tweets about life. Unfortunately, I am a wise man.”
― Saurabh Sharma

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